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Product Help

  • General Solar Fountain Questions

    • Why do I need to provide the Model number and QC Passed number from my parts?

      We require customers to provide the model number and QC passed number, from both the solar panel and the pump (2 numbers on each, 4 numbers total) when processing warranty claims for a replacement part.

      The model number tells us which version of the part you have. This helps us provide accurate troubleshooting, and make sure that you will receive replacement parts that are compatible with the version that you own.

      The QC Passed number can also help us determine which version you have and is like a serial number that tells us when the item was manufactured so we know how old it is. We use it for quality control because it allows us to see if there is a pattern or consistent issue with certain batches of items so that we can make any necessary improvements. QC Passed numbers are unique so every single piece that is produced by the factory has a different number. Therefore, there is no way we will have these numbers on file before you contact us, or know the QC number based on the name of the product or the model number of the part.

      If you can not read the label because it has faded or worn off from being exposed to the sun or water for so long, please tell us as many of the letters and numbers that are still legible. If you can not read anything on the label then a proof-of-purchase will be required.

      When reviewing warranty claims, we reserve the right to require customers to provide their proof-of-purchase info with order number and purchase date, if necessary to determine the warranty period.

      Note: If you do not want to perform any troubleshooting or provide the necessary information listed above then that is your choice but we will not be able to fulfill your request for free parts under warranty. We do not replace parts under warranty without these numbers or troubleshooting. This is for your benefit because we do not want to guess which version you have or which piece might be causing the issue to avoid either sending the wrong part or a part that does not resolve the issue which will just cause frustration on your part. We also don’t just replace all parts at once because sometimes there is nothing wrong with it and all you needed to do was some troubleshooting to resolve it and it would have been unnecessary to send parts that you don’t need replaced.

  • IntelliSolar Fountains (with Battery & Remote)

    • IntelliSolar: If my fountain is not working. What do I do?

      NOTE: This troubleshooting page applies to IntelliSOLAR fountains (has a battery and remote) with solar panel model# GB2W8RQ or 21310-Q and pump model# GPA4Q. Please check the model numbers on your parts to see if they match before proceeding. 


      Ensure the pump is submerged. Fill the fountain with water until full. If the pump is dry the water sensor will not let the pump run. If the water level is full and it’s in direct sun in the middle of the day and not working then remove the unit from the water, dry it off and do the following steps: Ensure plugs are connected and water tight.

      There may be a simple reason why it stopped. Many people rinse out the filter but never remove the fan to wipe off the magnet and when debris builds up inside the pump it can cause it to stop. Clean the pump filter, remove the white impeller fan to wipe off the magnet on the back of it, and clean off the metal water sensor pins, clean the solar panel glass. Reassemble and place it back in the water. 

      If new or if you had a few cloudy days in a row and didn’t turn it off then the battery is most likely empty. Try letting it charge up the next time you have a sunny day and it should start working again. 

      When you press any button on the remote you should see a light on the remote illuminate. If not, then static electricity can sometimes help coin batteries. Trying removing the battery, and rub both sides between your thumb and finger or wrapped it in a cloth and rub both sides, then reinstall it. If that doesn’t help then replace the battery. If you already tried a new battery then you can contact us to order a replacement remote. 

    • IntelliSolar: My fountain works, but remote isn't working. No the light on remote does NOT illuminate when pressing a button.

      NOTE: This troubleshooting page applies to IntelliSOLAR fountains (has a battery and remote) with solar panel model# GB2W8RQ or 21310-Q and pump model# GPA4Q. Please check the model numbers on your parts to see if they match before proceeding. 

      Makes sure battery in remote is installed correctly. Remove coin battery and rub it between your thumb and finger to give it a static charge then reinstall it and see if it works. If the light on the end of the remote now lights up when you press a button then pair it with the solar panel (steps listed below) and then you can use it. If not, start by replacing the battery in remote with a new battery. If that doesn't work, you may need a replacement remote.

      Try pairing the remote with your solar panel again. To do this hold the bottom left corner of the remote over the white ‘O’ mark on the panel.  When in the correct position a green light near the center spout will illuminate. Hold the remote in the current position and press any button on the remote. The red light on the remote will illuminate and the green light on the panel will blink twice to indicate that it was successfully paired. Now you can move the remote away and use it.

      If none of these steps work you may need a replacement coin battery or remote. 

    • IntelliSolar: My fountain works, but remote isn't working. Yes the light on remote illuminates when pressing a button.

      NOTE: This troubleshooting page applies to IntelliSOLAR fountains (has a battery and remote) with solar panel model# GB2W8RQ or 21310-Q and pump model# GPA4Q. Please check the model numbers on your parts to see if they match before proceeding. 

      Try pairing the remote with your solar panel again. To do this hold the bottom left corner of the remote over the white ‘O’ mark on the panel.  When in the correct position a green light near the center spout will illuminate. Hold the remote in the current position and press any button on the remote. The red light on the remote will illuminate and the green light on the panel will blink twice to indicate that it was successfully paired. Now you can move the remote away and use it.

      Get closer to the fountain and point it at the solar panel. The maximum range for the remote is about 20 feet. 

      Press the button slower and hold it for a second. 

      If none of these steps work you may need a replacement remote. 

    • IntelliSolar: My pump is running but no water coming up out of solar panel. Why?

      NOTE: This troubleshooting page applies to IntelliSOLAR fountains (has a battery and remote) with solar panel model# GB2W8RQ or 21310-Q and pump model# GPA4Q. Please check the model numbers on your parts to see if they match before proceeding. 

      When the pump is fully submerged then it’s quiet so if you can hear it running then the water level is most likely too low so the pump is not submerged but the water sensor pins on it are still wet or dirty. Once the pins dry off the pump will automatically stop running or when the pump is fully submerged you will not hear it.

      If the water level is low and you want the fountain to work then add water to fill the bowl.

      If you don’t want water in the bowl and don’t want the pump to run then either use the remote to turn it off or check the water sensor pins on the back of the pump. If the pins are dirty then wipe them off. If the pins are wet then dry them off. Once the pins are clean and dry then the pump will automatically stop running.

      Make sure the tube from the pump is securley inserted into the bottom of the solar panel.

  • Solar-On-Demand Fountains (with Battery and Switch)

    • Solar-On-Demand: My fountain stopped working. What do I do?

      NOTE: This troubleshooting page applies to Solar-On-Demand fountains with solar panel model # SB1W5D, SB2W0D, SC2W0D, or SB1W5DT, SB2W0DT, SC20WDT. These panels all have 2 wires coming out of them. One wire has a green plug for the battery pack which is model# BPM4V1000 or BPM4V1000T, and the other wire has a black plug for the pump which could be various model numbers. If your solar panel is not one of these model numbers or your solar panel only has 1 wire coming out of it, then you need to refer the troubleshooting for "Standard Solar Fountains (No Battery)".

      There may be a simple reason why it stopped. Many people never rinse out the filter or remove the fan to wipe off the magnet and when debris builds up inside the pump it can cause it to stop. We recommend the following troubleshooting steps to help get it working or determine which part may be the issue.

      Disconnect the plug connectors and wipe off the silver part to make sure it’s clean, shiny and water is not getting into the plug. Reconnect the plugs and screw on the threaded cap until tight.

      Make sure the glass on the solar panel is clean. You can clean dirt off using a sponge and water, or paper towel and Windex. If you have hard water calcium build up making it look foggy you can use vinegar or CLR to get it off.

      Take the pump apart to clean the magnet on the back of the white impeller fan. To do this, pull the filter off the end of the pump, then turn the piece with the spout to the right to unlock it. See if you can spin the white fan with your finger. If it's stuck and can't turn then it could have burned out. If so you'll need to order a new pump. If it spins freely then that's good. Pull the white fan out and wipe off the magnet on the back of it. If the pump is dirty down inside you can clean down around the silver pin using a q-tip cotton swap. If you would like to see a quick video showing these steps you can check the "Videos" section at the bottom of the Product Help page or click on this link: 

      Unplug the green set of plugs and unplug the black set of plugs. Take the green male plug from the battery and connect it directly to the black plug from the pump.
      Question #1: Does the pump run immediately when plugged into the battery?
      If yes then the pump and battery are ok. Proceed to the next step.
      If no then the battery may just be empty so it does not automatically mean the pump or battery is bad.

      Connect just the black set of plugs together (pump to solar panel) and leave the green set (for the battery) unplugged.
      Set the switch so the arrow faces “I” (on) and hold it in outside in direct sun.
      Question #2: Does the pump run when plugged into the panel (black plugs) and in direct sun, without the battery connected (green plugs)?
      If it's cloudy outside then this step will not work at the moment.
      If yes then the pump is ok, and this one function of the solar panel is ok.
      If the pump ran when connected directly to the battery but not when connected just to the panel and in direct sun then the solar panel may need replacing.

      Connect the plugs correctly with black to black and green to green.
      Make sure the arrow on the switch is facing “I” (on) and hold it in direct sun.
      Question #3: Now that you have both connections back together correctly does the pump run when the panel is in direct sun?
      Question #4: Does the pump run with the panel in the shade?
      If yes to both then all parts should be ok.
      If no it does not run now but the pump ran when plugged directly into the battery then the pump and battery are ok but the solar panel needs to be replaced.
      If it runs in the sun but not the in shade then the battery needs to be replaced.


      PUMP MODEL#_ 
      PUMP QC PASSED# (etched into back side)_

      SOLAR PANEL QC PASSED# (etched into upper left corner)_

      BATTERY DATE CODE (etched into the same side that the wire comes out)_


      If you purchased your fountain or solar kit over a year ago then the warranty period has expired and you would need to order the necessary replacement part. You can click on "Parts", then "Solar Fountains", then choose from kits, panels, pumps, or batteries. If you have questions about what to order please feel contact us.

      If you purchased your fountain or solar kit within 1-year then it's under warranty. If you ordered the fountain from a retailer then we will need you to provide your purchase info so we can determine your warranty period.
      If you purchased your fountain or solar kit directly from us then we just need some info (name, address, phone, email) to look up your order.

      If under warranty please contact us, let us know the results of each question above and provide the necessary info so we can help determine which part you need and replace it at no cost.

      To contact us to receive a replacement part under warranty please click on "Support", then "Contact Us", and fill in the required info such as your purchase info, and the model numbers and QC passed numbers from your parts. 

  • Standard Solar Fountains (No Battery)

    • Standard Solar: My fountain stopped working. What do I do?

      NOTE: This troubleshooting page applies to standard solar fountains (that means they do not have a battery and only work when in direct sun) with a solar panel model # such as SB1W1S, SB1W1ST, SB1W5S, SB1W5ST, SC0W8S, SC0W8ST, SC1W5S, SC1W5ST, 21300, 21300T, 21500T which all have 1 wire that come out of them. If your solar panel has 2 wires coming out of it and one is green then you have a battery pack and need to refer the troubleshooting for Solar-On-Demand fountains.

      There may be a simple reason why it stopped. Many people never rinse out the filter or remove the fan to wipe off the magnet and when debris builds up inside the pump it can cause it to stop. We recommend the following troubleshooting steps to help get it working or determine which part may be the issue.

      Disconnect the plug connectors and wipe off the silver part to make sure it’s clean, shiny and water is not getting into the plug. Reconnect the plugs and screw on the threaded cap until tight.

      Make sure the glass on the solar panel is clean. You can clean dirt off using a sponge and water, or paper towel and Windex. If you have hard water calcium build up making it look foggy you can use vinegar or CLR to get it off.

      Take the pump apart to clean the magnet on the back of the white impeller fan. To do this, pull the filter off the end of the pump, then turn the piece with the spout to the right to unlock it. See if you can spin the white fan with your finger. If it's stuck and can't turn then it could have burned out. If so you'll need to order a new pump. If it spins freely then that's good. Pull the white fan out and wipe off the magnet on the back of it. If the pump is dirty down inside you can clean down around the silver pin using a q-tip cotton swap. If you would like to see a quick video showing these steps you can check the "Videos" section at the bottom of the Product Help page or go to this link:

      With the black plugs connected and white fan exposed, take it outside and place the panel in direct sun. Spin the fan clockwise several times with your finger to kick-start the pump.

      Question: Does it run after you try to manually start it?


      If you purchased your fountain or solar kit over a year ago then the warranty period has expired and you would need to order the necessary replacement part. You can click on "Parts", then "Solar Fountains", then choose from kits, panels, or pumps. If you have questions about what to order please feel contact us.

      If you purchased your fountain or solar kit within 1-year then it's under warranty. If you ordered the fountain from a retailer then we will need you to provide your purchase info so we can determine your warranty period.
      If you purchased your fountain or solar kit directly from us then we just need some info (name, address, phone, email) to look up your order.

      If under warranty please contact us, let us know the results of each question above and provide the necessary info so we can help determine which part you need and replace it at no cost.

      To contact us to receive a replacement part under warranty please click on "Support", then "Contact Us", and fill in the required info such as your purchase info, and the model numbers and QC passed numbers from your parts. 

  • Videos

    • HOW TO: assemble the top tier of a 2-tier solar fountain

      Assembling your fountain correctly will make sure it flows properly.
      Below is quick a step-by-step video on how to easily assemble the top tier of a 2-tier solar fountain:

      (Note: this video shows a Standard solar panel without a battery. If you have a Solar-On-Demand fountain the only additional steps will be setting the panel switch to ‘O’ (off) and connecting the green plugs under the panel so the red o-ring is covered. Everything else will be the same)

      For more product videos check out our YouTube channel:

    • HOW TO: take a solar pump apart to clean it

      Cleaning your pump regularly will help keep it running smoothly for years!
      Below is quick a step-by-step video on how to take apart one of our solar pumps:

      Note: This applies to model numbers such as:
      SP-160XC3, SP-160X01, SP-160X03, SP-160X3S,
      SP-160X12T, SP-160X01T, SP-160X03T, SP-160X3ST

      This video does not apply to these pump model numbers:
      20020P01, 20500P01, NE70X01

      For more product videos check out our YouTube channel: